Grow Pittsburgh is here to help residents interested in starting their own backyard garden or starting or getting involved in a local community garden.

There are details for getting started, and resources to make your garden grow. Get growing!

backyard gardens

Backyard Gardens

Are you an aspiring, novice or expert gardener looking for information on specific gardening topics?  We can help. We also offer information for quality suppliers of garden products such as compost, soil, lumber, seed and seedlings.

community gardens

Community Gardens

The idea of creating a new community garden is exciting but may be daunting. There are many factors to consider, and it’s important to think about all of them in advance to ensure your garden planning process is as successful as possible.

school gardens

School Gardens

We continue to develop and refine our programs to support an ever-growing network of schools committed to garden education. We teach students to grow, cook and eat fresh food. See where you and your school might fit.

urban farms

Urban Farms

Growing food in an urban environment is an important part of what we do. We have two production sites in the region: Braddock Farms and The Frick Greenhouse & Shiloh Farms.