Oasis Farm & Fishery is an educational initiative of The Oasis Project, the community outreach and economic development arm of Bible Center Church We are a one of a kind urban Bio-Market Garden located in the neighborhood of Homewood in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Our main foci are growing quality, hyper-local produce and providing urban farming education for people of all ages.Oasis Farm & Fishery is a black-owned and led urban farm in the Pittsburgh neighborhood of Homewood.
We exist to teach and apply urban farming techniques and equip youth and adults to grow their own food and cook healthy recipes using fresh produce. Our site consists of a direct current (DC) powered greenhouse that stores 1,750 gallons of reclaimed rainwater and includes both aquaponic and hydroponic food production systems. We also have a 24-panel solar canopy and an outdoor kitchen equipped with a brick pizza oven. Our surrounding property includes an outdoor classroom, a straw bale garden, a satellite farm, and African American heritage garden. All of which are used for outreach programming.