Grow Pittsburgh fosters community gardening in the Pittsburgh region in a variety of ways, both by helping build new gardens and by supporting existing gardens.
To receive updates about Sustainability Fund, skillshares, workshops, and other events, and other general info relevant to community gardeners, sign up for our Community Garden Network mailing list!

Use this map to find a community garden near you!
Click to find contact information for that particular garden, as well as information on whether there are any open plots.

Grow Pittsburgh supports new garden groups to get the skills and materials to start thriving community garden projects.

We’ve created an online Community Garden Guide with resources for both new and existing gardens.
Resources range from site selection and getting started, outreach ideas, and the process to start a new garden with us.

Community Garden Sustainability Fund
This fund provides the opportunity for existing community food gardens in Allegheny County to complete projects that contribute to their sustainability.

Garden Resource Center
The Garden Resource Center provides local gardeners with access to a wide range of tools and materials that are vital to creating and maintaining healthy food gardens.

Grow Pittsburgh has partnered with Allegheny Land Trust on a joint venture to protect and preserve urban agricultural lands in perpetuity.