Nick Lubecki started his first vegetable farm in 2012 in Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh. He ran his small business, Butter Hill Farm, until 2015. He also worked at the Tree Pittsburgh Tree Nursery for five years, while there he grew native plants from seed foraged in the Pittsburgh region. He began working at Grow Pittsburgh in 2016 managing Shiloh Farm and the Frick Greenhouse. In 2018 he transitioned to managing Braddock Farms.
Braddock Farms grows affordable food to sell in Braddock and is a place for people in the area to learn about growing vegetables. He is looking forward to growing food for the community. He is excited to share his love of growing and eating vegetables with those around him. He enjoys learning and trying new growing techniques and sharing them with people.
Nick continues to run a small farm with his brother in Butler, PA focusing on growing subsistence crops and researching growing systems that make sense in Western Pennsylvania. He enjoys teaching tree identification classes with a focus on wild food from trees and recently taught his first natural crafting workshop. Nick enjoys traveling to different ecosystems to learn about the plants that grow there and the geological forces which shape those places. When not farming he reads lots of science fiction and cooks all the food he grows.